Saturday, September 13, 2008

Weekend Report (Eatin' the Fool)

I was going to ride on Saturday morning, but technical difficulties with my bike kept me in, and an ill B kept me in most of Sunday, too, with a jaunt off to Newark for a fine, fine meal.

6:30am, school-made bagel with butter, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5

8am, smoothie, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Grapes, blueberries, kiwi, banana, milk and yogurt, flax. Kiwi made it surprisingly tangy.

AM SNACK: 11am, WF cheesy poofs, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5 LUNCH: 2pm, Malaysian shrimp fried rice, roti canai, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Ordered in while B slept.

PM SNACK: 5pm, handful of dark chocolate

8pm, school made minestrone soup, 1 bowl, hunger 3/5

WF cheesy poofs, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5
Well, those didn't sit around the house too long.

BREAKFAST:8:30am, organic chex with good milk, .5 bowl, hunger 3/5

AM SNACK: 11:30am, heaping tablespoon of good peanut butter, hunger 4/5

LUNCH: 3pm, 2 cheeseburgers, fries, diet coke, 1.5 bowl, hunger 4/5
Ate McDonalds with my cousin at Newark Airport. He ordered the bacon cheese burger because he will not have access to bacon once he's back. I haven't eaten this stuff in a long time -- I would of avoided it, except that the other food in the food court ("Asian Chou"?!?) looked super nasty -- at least with McD's, it's a known quantity. Two things surprised me -- the bun of the burgers tasted a little bit like what you'd expect upholstery foam to taste like, if edible. Second, those fries are damn good. And thirdly, I'm in no danger of becoming addicted to diet coke anytime soon.

PM SNACK: 5:15pm, slice of streetza, 1 bowl, hunger 4/5

PM SNACK: 7:30pm, 1/3 of a pint of Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup, .25 bowl, hunger 4/5
Was going to eat salad for dinner, but gravitated to the ice cream. Was gonna eat half the pint, but by the time I got a third of the way down, felt a bit queasy -- the McD's and pizza is talking. Not my healthiest day.

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